Welcome to Mondo Wrongo!
My name is Simon and I am the man behind Mondo Wrongo, an entertainment brand specializing in entertainment for kids infused with a punk rock spirit. If you are, like me, forced to watch a never ending parade of cutesy and mind numbing kiddie songs and thinking....hmmm, this isn't what me and my kids laugh at then Mondo Wrongo is for you!
I have been creating art and music for years and having been overlooked and had so many near misses at getting other people to produce my work I have decided to create my own.....and this is it! I am from Borehamwood, England and grew up on a steady diet of Garbage Pail Kids, Killer Tomatoes, Ninja Turtles Alternative Rock and nefarious other colorfully gooey nonsense of the era.
I try and capture the spirit of punk rock to give my work a fun and anarchic quality, it's never too early for kids to feel what Kurt Cobain described as 'doing whatever you want as sloppily as you want so long as it has feeling and passion'. Imagination is an amazing beast and I like to encourage kids to feed it until it grows into a multi-tentacled Godzilla sized bohemeth!
As Mondo Wrongo I will be releasing cartoons, books, artwork, music videos,, pod casts and skits all aimed at kids as well as looking forward to taking the show live as soon as we can all congregate once more. The live show can be described as Pink Fong meets GWAR. Kids won't just be watching....they'll be participating!
I'd love to hear your feedback so please feel free to drop me a message!
All the best
Meeting the kids at Bungus School in Bungus Bay, Indonesia in 2013